" Sixth Form students enjoy an extremely positive experience in a safe and creative environment here at the MBIS. It is our aim to present a curriculum that is academic, reflecting the strength of our students, and able to result in the development of fully-rounded young adults." - Head of Secondary
Nick Rudd
At Maadi British International School, our students in our 6th Form receive the very best care and support to allow them to achieve at the very highest level in their A’Level examinations. We also follow both of the most prestigious exam boards Pearson/Edexcel and Cambridge International as part of our A’Level curriculum. In this way our students are best prepared to take up places at the most prestigious universities in the UK, US and worldwide.
Year 12 is the beginning of the journey to University and at MBIS we ensure that students begin to learn to think critically for themselves so that they are in the position to make informed choices later in their school career about their future. They also begin to work at a much higher level with a greater degree of independence required. However, we know that this is not always easy so the staff at MBIS are on hand constantly to support and help your child.
If you have any questions regarding our 6th Form please contact Mr Nick Rudd- Head of Secondary – at nrudd@mbisegypt.com
Year 13 is the final year before students leave for University and as such it is a very busy time with not only the exam preparation taking place but also the applications for Universities and preparations for beginnign the next phase of their academic careers. As such it can be a stressful time but again, with our small class sizes and our excellent relationships with all of our students we can personalise our support for whatever they need whether they want to study at Oxbridge, the US or anywhere else.
If you have any questions regarding our 6th Form please contact Mr Nick Rudd- Head of Secondary – at nrudd@mbisegypt.com
“ We thank you from the bottom of our heart for your support”