
Mbis egypt

“Our primary school stands out with dedicated teachers, a diverse and engaging curriculum, strong community involvement, and a nurturing environment, ensuring every child feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential.” – Ms Deborah O’Callaghan – Head of Primary

Years 1 and 2

Laying the best foundations to learning…

Our Key Stage 1 (KS1)  includes children in our Year 1 (5-6 years old) and Year 2 (6-7 years old) classes.

For children in Years 1 and 2, Key Stage 1 of the English National Curriculum (ENC) provides the framework for English and Mathematics learning alongside the ENC objectives for the Foundation Subjects. The knowledge, skills and understanding established in the EYFS are built upon and developed while the principles of investigative, collaborative and independent learning remain the driving force to our approach.

At MBIS we understand that reading, writing, speaking and listening, and mathematics are vitally important for students to be successful learners in later life. We put a great emphasis on these areas of learning and we ensure all students are appropriately challenge. 

The majority of lessons are delivered by the Class Teacher, supported by Specialist Teachers who provide learning in PE, Swimming, Drama and Music.

Years 3 to 6

Key Stage 2 (KS2) includes
Year3 (7-8 years); Year 4 (8-9 years); Year 5 (9-10 years); and Year 6 (10-11).

Our Year 3 to Year 6 students follow the Key Stage 2 English National Curriculum. This mid-phase continues to build on the knowledge, skills and understanding the children have acquired, with a progressively more challenging curriculum.

A children-centred approach maintains the established principles of effective learning with exciting, engaging lessons where children are encouraged to explore, discuss, question, reflect and report in both individual and collaborative learning contexts across a range of subject areas.

Different learning styles are catered for and an individualised approach supported by high expectations ensures all children are working to their full potential in all aspects of their development.

In KS2 we continue to focus from KS1’s rigours emphasis on reading, writing, speaking and listening and mathematics.  Our curriculum is structured to focus on topics, linked to the class novel.

For example in Year 5 one of the class novels is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the class topic in Chocolate. This topic is then used as a context for history, art, geography and science.

With the majority of lessons delivered by the Class Teacher, Specialist teachers provide learning in in PE, Art, Drama, Music and Modern Foreign Languages (French and Arabic).
This approach facilitates a smooth transition to our Secondary School structure of specialist lessons.

If you have any questions regarding our Primary School Programme, please contact Deborah O’Callaghan, Head of Primary, at docallaghan@mbisegypt.com

“What we like most about MBIS is the professionalism of the staff and their passion for the well-being of the children”- Parent