
Mbis egypt


Our Parents

Building strong relationships is important to us at MBIS and we are aware of the role clear communication has in supporting this. Before your child starts at MBIS you will receive an email from their class teacher welcoming you into the class.

Once your child has started you will be given a School Diary, which will be used to pass personal messages between yourself and your child’s class teacher. In Primary we also use Class DoJo, which is our information sharing portal. It allows parents and teachers to communicate privately as well as allowing. the teacher to share the classes learning journey. 

Whole school communication goes out through our email service and that includes our extensive weekly newsletter (Primary and Secondary).

More formal occasions have also been timetabled into the year to keep you up to date with your child’s progress. 

  • Within the first few weeks, there will be a Meet and Greet session for parents and teachers. 
  • Keeping Up With The Kids (KUWTKs) session. Information sessions for parents on curriculum, in school learning, home learning and student support guidance. 
  • Parents will have the opportunity to track their child’s progress through regular reporting and Parent Teacher Conferences. 
  • Parents will be invited to assemblies and book journeys to see their child learning. 

We are proud of our established open-door policy for support with ‘day to day’ matter and more urgent communications. 

We also value the important role parents play in the life of the school. Mums and dads (and sometimes grandparents!) often support class activities, day trips or special learning events. Parents are also encouraged to help with social events, to be active members of our school community.