Mbis egypt

ISI Inspection June 2016

MBIS has been judged by the UK Independent Schools Inspectorate as ‘excellent’ in every single category – the highest possible grade of achievement. Commendation of this kind is rare in independent international education, placing MBIS amongst the leading British schools overseas.


The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is a body approved by the British Government for the purpose of inspecting independent schools in the UK and overseas in membership of the Associations of the Independent Schools Council (ISC). The member schools are ranked among the best in the world and educate more than half a million children in 1,200 schools. 

A team of ISI inspectors visited MBIS from Sunday 5th to Wednesday 8th June 2016. The inspectors observed lessons, conducted formal interviews with children and examined samples of their work. They held discussions with staff, observed extra-curricular activities, conducted a full assessment of the school’s policies systems and procedures and analysed the responses of parents and children to pre-inspection questionnaires.


The inspection report gave a clear judgement on each aspect of the school’s work. These judgements are based on a four-point descriptor scale ranging from ‘unsatisfactory’ to ‘excellent’. After collating and analysing evidence in each of the eight domains, the inspection team found MBIS to be ‘excellent’ in every area.

The quality of academic and other achievements

  • The quality of the pupils' achievements and their learning, attitudes and skills - Excellent

  • The contribution of curricular and extra-curricular provision - Excellent

  • The contribution of teaching and assessment - Excellent

The quality of pupils' achievements and their learning, attitudes and skills

  • The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the pupils - Excellent

  • The contribution of arrangements for welfare, health and safety - Excellent

The effectiveness of governance, leadership and management

  • The quality of governance - Excellent

  • The quality of leadership and management - Excellent

  • The quality of links with parents, carers and others - Excellent

Here are just a few of the very positive comments made by the inspection team...

'The school fully meets its aim for its pupils to become successful, independent and collaborative learners who are flexible, resourceful and resilient.'

'Children in the EYFS...thoroughly enjoy their learning and are gently encouraged and motivated to do their best.'

'At every stage older children show high levels of knowledge and understanding and very well-developed skills....all of this is undertaken with enjoyment and with a thirst for learning.'

'Rated as ‘excellent in all areas’ by the UK Independent Schools Inspectorate'

We are extremely proud and thrilled to be formally recognised as one of the leading British schools overseas. It is a great honour to be classed as ‘excellent’ in every domain, affirming the fact that the school has rapidly evolved in the last few years. Our new curriculum and progressive teaching methods have had great impact. The report is a fitting reflection of the exceptional teamwork, collaboration and commitment of the staff, children and parents and a wonderful endorsement of the values we hold dear.

We know MBIS to be an excellent school and now it is official!

The full ISI report is attached – it makes wonderful reading!