
Mbis egypt


Living in Egypt

Cairo is an exciting and vibrant city, there is so much to do and see here. However, we know that it can be difficult to know where to look for advice and information. If we, at school, can help in any way, please don’t hesitate to come in and see us. If we don’t know the answer to your questions, then staff will help to signpost you to someone who can.

The parent serving as Class Representative for your child’s class will also make early contact with you and arrange a coffee morning with other parents.

The Community Services Association (CSA) is an organisation providing the international expatriate community with support to ease the transition and adaptation to Egypt. The CSA offers advice and activities for adults and children.

For new arrivals to Cairo, seminars are available that give an introduction to the life and culture of Egypt and gives you an opportunity to get to know people. The Centre can be found on Road 21, here in Maadi.

Why not drop into the CSA, and over a cup of coffee, see what they have on offer to help you settle here in Cairo?

There is also an excellent Facebook resource for those moving to or living in Cairo, where you can ask questions about moving here and gain useful information from established families.
